Your Health

Your Health

Playground Safety Tips for Parents

As the weather warms, kids venture outdoors. Outside play is essential for healthy childhood development, and playgrounds are great places for children to have fun, explore and grow. After all, children learn best through play and need safe opportunities to take risks, test their limits and learn new skills. When not used properly or if […]

Your Health

Burn Treatment and Prevention

Accidents happen, including unexpected burns. Many ordinary things in the home—including bath water, food, appliances, electrical outlets, household chemicals—can cause burns and potentially lead to injury and scarring. According to the American Burn Association, about 500,000 people in the U.S. are treated for burn injuries every year. Most of these injuries can be prevented by […]

Your Health

Am I Allergic to This Medication?

Drug Allergies: What are they & What to do if you have one? We take medication to make us well. So, when we develop an allergic reaction to that medication, it can be concerning. Medication allergies are fairly common, easy to recognize (if you know what to look for) and usually do not have severe outcomes. Let’s delve deeper into medication allergies […]

Your Health

The ABC’s of RSV

While we’ve got our eyes turned towards COVID-19, other respiratory viruses are circulating just as quickly. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV, is a highly contagious respiratory illness that most experience by age two. While the majority of children experience cold-like symptoms easily managed at home, some children become rather ill and need medical […]

Your Health

Helping Children Cope with COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is difficult on everyone; here’s how to help kids cope from RefuahHealth provider Aliza Katz, LCSW RPT. Stay aware of your actions and reactions and the messages you give your child. Children learn from their parents; model calmness as much as possible. Encourage your children to express their feelings about COVID-19 through […]