Amanda Salzman

Your Health

The A, B, Cs of Early Eye Exams

Did you know that up to 80% of classroom learning involves a child’s vision? This even includes nursery and preschool aged children. Sometimes parents believe a child is too young for an eye exam because he/she can’t read an eye chart, but this could not be further from the truth! Let’s discuss the process and importance of early […]

Your Health

Heart Murmurs in Children

Although the name is unsettling, heart murmurs are common in childhood and usually the normal sound of a healthy child’s heart. What is a heart murmur? A heart murmur is a sound that is heard when listening to the heart with a stethoscope. Heart murmurs can be heard in normal people and, in fact, most […]

Your Health

Healthy Summer Meal & Snack Plan for Kids: How to keep kids’ diets healthy when the sun heats up.

Summer means longer days and warmer temperatures. Children spend more time outdoors, less time in study, and are generally more active. Keeping good eating habits consistent during the summer months will ensure both short-term and long-term health benefits. There is no particular nutrient or vitamin kids need more of during the summer. If a child […]

Your Health

Headaches: A Deep Dive

Almost all of us have experienced headache pain. A minor headache is a nuisance relieved with an over-the-counter pain reliever, caffeine or a short rest. Severe or unusual headaches, however, can signal a more significant issue. While headaches are rarely a cause for concern, you should know when to seek urgent care and how to […]

Your Health

Playground Safety Tips for Parents

As the weather warms, kids venture outdoors. Outside play is essential for healthy childhood development, and playgrounds are great places for children to have fun, explore and grow. After all, children learn best through play and need safe opportunities to take risks, test their limits and learn new skills. When not used properly or if […]